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 The Trouble with Jesus

by Constance Hastings

Apocalyptic Stance
Nov 07, 2022

The Trouble with Jesus is his words speak into the history of every generation, of which every generation coming after must learn again.

The world is coming to its end. Thanks for letting us know, God of Doom. Think we can’t see it for ourselves? An election in the United States only reveals how unhappy people are. Look to the skies (or the Weather Channel) to get all the climatological drama you need. Not enough? See how one war disrupts the whole world. Jesus, don’t think your warnings of insurrections, earthquakes, famines, disease sound fresh anymore. The question is, what are you going to do about it?

Forewarned is Forearmed

True, in both Jesus’ lifetime and every generation since. Begin with a look at what brought this dire response from Jesus. In less than a couples of days, Jesus will know his personal end. Meanwhile the Big Twelve are walking around the Jewish Temple like they’re on a cultural tour. They admire its beautiful stonework and art. Chins are straight up, and mouths open wide in their wows. To be fair, it was impressive.

Herod the Great, ruler by dictate of Rome and also of Jewish heritage, had extensive improvements made to the Second Temple first erected about 516 BC/BCE as a monument to himself.  Shall we say this isn’t the first or last time political figures have used the religion of the people to honor themselves? Huge stones formed its foundation and walls, speaking to its solidity and permanence. This edifice was meant to last.

Jesus brings the bad news. “The time is coming when…not one stone will be left on top of another.” By now, the disciples have a sense that change is coming. To their credit, they swallow their initial admiration. They ask when and will about there be any signs of warning.

World Ending Scenarios

Here it comes. You’ve named the specifics already; by and large, it’s catastrophic. That means sudden great damage or suffering producing large-scale alterations in state or life.  Your favorite news outlet gives you the picture. History tells us it happens in every generation.


That’s important for Jesus’ message here. The Trouble with Jesus is his words speak into the history of every generation, of which every generation coming after must learn again.

Forty years after this stroll through the great halls of the Temple, what Jesus predicted came to be. A Jewish revolt in 70 AD/CE brought the might of the Romans to Jerusalem with characteristic death and destruction. They leveled and burned the Temple, this holy symbol of Judaism and the seat of God.

Not only that, but Jesus also foretold of great persecution for those who followed his teachings. Even family would betray them. Some would die, and “everyone will hate you because of your allegiance to me.” Whatever is thought to exhibit security and provide protection will crumble like rocks into stones. The catastrophic would be realized on multiple fronts.

So, when will the world end?

If these life altering events happen on such large scale, why has the world already not breathed its last? Or why hasn’t God in Jesus come to end it all before now? Or is this what Jesus is really saying here?

Yes: the world won’t last. No: Jesus was being specific more or less when these words of his were recorded. The writer Luke wrote them sometime between 80 and 90 AD/CE. Put this in perspective of those for whom it was written. They’d seen that video multiple times. Not really, but they were as familiar with the Temple’s destruction as we are about falling towers in NYC more than 20 years ago. These first readers identified with the story from firsthand experience. Their reading of it then was not as predictive prophesy but as affirmation that Jesus knew beforehand what would be coming and had warned them.

Warned them and gave them a message. All lives, on personal or grand scale, know loss with its challenges, destruction, even death. Some of it is of our own making, and some are natural calamities. Nowhere here does Jesus indicate it is “sent” from God. Just expect it because with life you’ve got the good and the not-so-good, never-saw-it-coming, wouldn’t-wish-it-on-anyone events. Your world has come to an end.

Not All is Lost

Interestingly, Jesus also speaks here of the other side of trials and calamities. Life goes on. If anything, that’s the quiet promise here. Life goes on as God intends. Life goes on because in the midst of change there is a new way of living, a new way of seeing what God can bring out of the worst to make ready for what’s better and what will bless.

Now, he does give adamant warning against false prophets, those who mislead and deceive, who concoct and devise to gain control, who support those with ill-gained power. (Oh, you’ve heard some election ads recently? Glad that is pretty much over but only to resurface in other platforms.) Be shrewd. There is only one Messiah in this story.

Instead, Jesus wants your voice to be that which delivers this promise of God. He makes another promise of his own. “Don’t worry (big one there) on how to answer [opponents], for I will give you the right words and such wisdom that none will be able to reply.”

Now while Jesus does say some will be killed, he also says, “not a hair of your head will perish.” How’s that? People meet their demise everyday due to neglect, lack of education, injustice, oppression and other means that are not natural. Fact of life. Yet, to say “not a hair” is to say nothing about you will be forgotten or left unknown to God, even in death, because God never means you or the world to end that way.

It's Not Over Until It’s Over

Jesus’ closest friends would need his words to sustain them when their world came to an end right before their eyes. Apocalypse is only a sign pointing to what only is known to God. Never ending is that hope.

Stay the course. Stay true. Stay firm. Jesus isn’t about monumental structures or human forms of kingdoms, government, leadership. Persevere through whatever may be ending in apocalypse because from that is a new beginning. Faith brings a new day, the age of God which is a world without end. Stand ready for that.

“By standing firm, you will win your souls.”

Luke 21:5-19

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